
It’s time to start making your list of “criminals” you want arrested! The Pavilion’s Jail-n-Bail fundraiser is set for Friday, May 17th, from 8 a.m. 到2点.m.! It’s all for a great cause: raising money for our residents to enjoy even more social activities. So get ready to issue those arrest warrants on your friends, co-workers, neighbors and even family!
只要2美元.把人抓起来. Bail is set by our judge and the amount varies, depending on the charge. “罪犯”可以通过捐赠来避免被捕!
保释热线:912-367-9841,分机. 2416. 亲自或电话付款. 接受现金、支票、Venmo或现金应用. 所以你名单上的人应该在监狱里呆上一段时间?